We are excited to announce that ahead of our Thursday General Auctions we have switched our auction software provider to EasyLive Auction.
As a result of switching auction software provider we need you to reset your password to access your new account with Wellers. Please follow the steps below to activate your new account:
If you encounter any issues, please feel free to get in touch with us by emailing andy@wellersauctions.com. If you don’t receive the ‘Password Reset’ email, please check your spam folder.
We hope you like the new look and feel of our auctions moving forward, and enjoy some of the additional features such as being able to book your ‘Collection Appointments’ through the platform as well as being able to add ‘Auction Alerts’ for any items you have a particular interest in for upcoming lots at auction.
We look forward to seeing you online tomorrow for our first auction on the new system!
Many thanks,
The Wellers Team